不知不觉,开学了两个星期了。。。心情有点不同。。。。觉得彷徨到慢慢适应。。。。现在开始接受着学院的生活。。。。开始时,觉得很空闲,现在开始觉得很忙。。。。做tutorial work,make notes等等。。。。觉得时间不太够用。。。。也必须容身与课外活动。。。。下乡服务团(社区服务团)是我梦寐以求能进到的团体。。。我为了进下乡,才进拉曼的。。。。不懂能进到下乡吗?下个星期,就要interview了,不懂能过关吗?还是未知数。。。。希望能过关吧。。。。下乡,等我。。。。。
就来要做assignment了,现在开始找资料咯。。。希望能和group member合作无间。。。
5 条评论:
hello,nice to meet you...
im from tarc too,1st sem...
which course do u take?
now start bz ady,haiz...and sian rite?
mind to b fren?
my msn, kiwi.liew@hotmail.com
take k^^
hihi...nice to meet u....do come to my blog often....nice to meet u...i seldom online neh...i only will online on weekend loh..i take diploma in accounting,what about u???and u study at which campus???
be a good life in the future,. So, past tense means u r earning a day again.
Like 1,2,3 and 4. Congratulation u r now at 4 step ahead.
i must chase
be a good girl to face future.
Ok welcome to my blog be brings more boring.
哈哈~ 下乡团的确好玩~祝你面试成功~